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He has also returned five kickoffs and a missed field goal for a touchdown,Stitched Carolina Panthers Jerseys.
Hester endured several lulls on returns during his career,Kanken Backpack Cheap UK, particularly when the Bears tried to make him a receiver. But he showed some of his old form while focusing solely on returns last season.
Hester is best remembered by Bears fans for returning the opening kickoff in the 2007 Super Bowl for a touchdown,Cheap Jerseys From China. He ran it back 92 yards for a score in a game won by Indianapolis,Cheap Jerseys.
Hester matched Hall of Famer Deion Sanders' NFL record with his 19th return touchdown last season,Duke Johnson Jersey, tying his friend and mentor with an 81-yard punt return at Washington in October. It was Hester's 13th punt return for a TD,cheap nfl jerseys outlet, extending his own record in that category.