標題: Cheap Authentic Dallas Cowboys Jerseys
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註冊 2018-8-8
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發表於 2019-3-13 13:22  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Authentic Dallas Cowboys Jerseys
It's a massive deal for a player who earned $375,Cheap NFL Gear,000 in base salary as a rookie in 2011. But Sherman insisted the money will not change the approach or attitude that has made him one of the top defensive players in football and a magnet for attention.
Much in the tenor of doing things the way he wants,Nike Shoes Discount Sale, Sherman unveiled the extension on his website before the team could make the announcement. The two-time,Cheap Nike Shoes From China, first-team All-Pro selection wrote the deal will pay him $57.4 million with $40 million guaranteed and will keep him in a Seahawks uniform through the 2018 season. The deal includes a reported $11 million signing bonus.