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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The San Francisco 49ers know Aldon Smith still has plenty of work to do in order to repair his tarnished image and stay on track away from the football field,Wholesale Shoes China Free Shipping.
They want to be an integral part of his self-improvement project,Duke Johnson Jersey, exercising their 2015 fifth-year contract option for the star linebacker on Friday. The team made the decision despite Smith's long list of legal trouble that included an arrest at Los Angeles International Airport just more than two weeks ago.
San Francisco faced a Saturday deadline to decide on Smith's immediate future,Vapormax Plus Nere, and general manager Trent Baalke suggested last week the team would keep the fearsome pass-rusher around for the near future at least — for 2015,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, "and '16,Cheap Shoes For Sale Online, and '17 and '18." The 49ers will provide Smith with the support he needs to deal with his rash of off-the-field issues.