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註冊 2018-8-8
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發表於 2019-3-28 06:14  資料 私人訊息 
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The work paid off. The spot resonated with fans and was named the top ad of the game by USA Today's AdMeter, an annual ranking of Super Bowl ads.
Next, the company considered hundreds of actors to find one who was comfortable around horses. After all,Stitched NFL Jerseys Outlet, one shot shows the actor sleeping in a barn next to the Clydesdale. "It has to be someone who has grown up around horses,Andrus Peat Jersey, these horses are gigantic. They're super gentle,Cheap China Jerseys, but if you move the wrong way you're going to get stepped on," Anomaly partner Mike Byrne said.
This year, Anheuser-Busch is sticking with the "cute" theme for its Clydesdale spot,Hydro Flask Barn, with "Puppy Love,Cheap Air Max 720 Free Shipping," an ad about a friendship between a Clydesdale and a puppy.