標題: Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale making some plays
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發表於 2019-3-28 00:42  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale making some plays
General manager Reggie McKenzie once again reached back to his past in Green Bay's front office to add a piece to the Raiders,cheap nfl jerseys china. Among the many other former Packers that McKenzie has brought in since taking over as general manager in 2012 are Charles Woodson and Matt Flynn,Jerseys Wholesale.
"We have a lot of young receivers,wholesale soccer jerseys," Jones said. "I've been in the game for a minute,Cheap Dallas Cowboys Throwback Jerseys, so I'll be able to help those guys out leadership-wise. Other than that, just doing what I do on the football field, making some plays,Jerseys NFL China, and hopefully I can give the offense a spark."
Jones said he has been talking to the Raiders the past few days and was lured to Oakland by McKenzie's vision for a franchise that has not made the playoffs since 2002,Patriots Jersey Liii Jersey.